The Caretaker

by Colin Corde

Growing up, you didn’t think it was weird that 
your brother couldn’t walk. It was normal 
when his knees were surgically fixed, 
at a ninety degree angle. 
You enjoyed racing him, 
seated in his old wheelchairs. 
And it was exciting when you didn’t see 
him and your parents, 
living at your best friend’s house for a month 
because fourth graders don’t need to worry 
about brain aneurysms. 
When you came back, you realized 
that your math was harder than his, 
that he didn’t have friends 
come over your house anymore 
and why he hated 
going to the doctor, even for a 
check-up. Time passes and your other 
leaves for college, your parents get older. 
Eventually your parents enlist you 
to be your brother’s caretaker. 
You happily accept 
because you love your brother. But, somewhere, 
you hope this doesn’t last forever— 
that through some twisted luck 
your brother passes before your parents. 
What, then, do you think of yourself?

Colin Corde is currently a senior at Ramapo College. He is pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in English and Literary Studies with a concentration in Creative Writing. He writes often in his free time, mostly sticking to different genres of fiction. After graduating, Colin intends to teach English abroad in various countries. He dreams of someday becoming a best-selling author. Other than writing, Colin spends his time backpacking and making music with his band, TheBandLunch.